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Public Art of 103 Colmore Row
Modern Birmingham is certainly epitomised by
the huge glass-clad 103 Colmore Row sitting
proudly on top of the city centre skyline. This new
office block replaced John Madin’s 1975 NatWest
tower, demolished after less than fifty years. This
is so much the Birmingham way, though
increasingly questions are asked about the green-
washing arguments for continuing large-scale
demolition, rather than refurbishing our brutalist
concrete heritage. At the top of this new and even
taller tower, is Orelle restaurant, with amazing
views out across the city. Look
carefully and you can see the
planes taking off from
Birmingham airport, where they
appear like children’s toys on the
horizon. Certainly worth a visit
when you have something to
Public art of significance
However, with all this modernity 103 Colmore Row includes two significant installations which, in
different ways, demonstrate the depth of Birmingham’s Public Art and the history of this place.
Consider first the new public art feature to the left of the grand four-
story modernistic colonnaded entrance. Equinox is the final work of
Wolverhampton artist and sculptor John Pickering. Indeed, the work
was completed after his death with John having presented initial ideas
for the public sculpture at a first meeting with the architects and
developer. He died just a week before a second meeting was due to be
held. The ideas for this large scale interpretation of John’s art form
were taken to completion by
John’s friend and
collaborator George L.
Legendre, along with the
architects Doone Silver Kerr
and with the support of the
developers Sterling Property Ventures and Tristan
Capital Partners .
Inversion Principle
John Pickering trained initially at the Bilston College of
Art then came to Birmingham School of Art where his
lecturers included William Bloye. John went on to work
as a stone carver on St Philip’s Cathedral and then at the
Collegiate Church of St Mary in Warwick and for a time working in a wood pattern-making
factory. From the 1970s John turned to using mathematical spatial transformations to produce
geometric 3-d sculptures using the inversion principle.
In 2002 John’s inversion principle based sculptures were
exhibited in London at the Royal Society of British
Sculptor. From this time John began a working
relationship with George L. Legendre whose interest in
computerised mathematical modelling complemented
John’s artistic application of the inversion principle.
Equinox is the only large in scale public sculpture
produced from John’s ideas. It is constructed from solid
steel tubing with laser cut flat metal sheets, and weighs
over 1.5 tonnes. Equinox was fabricated by the firm
Structural Stairways from Brierley Hill and there is an
interesting video showing Equinox being made with key people visiting the factory (see link
Inversion principle for beginners
In simple terms inversion is the reflection in a circle, where points
inside and outside the circle are mapped and related to the circle’s
radius by the equation:
MP .MQ = r
Rearrangement, of the equation allows you to find the length MQ,
by translating the equation to:
MQ = r
For his 3-d studies Pickering used the inversion of objects such as
spheres rather than a 2-d circle. Things do of course get more complicated. If you are interested
there is a very readable book that can gives you the detail and with photos of John’s models still
available to buy (Mathematical Form; John Pickering and the architecture of the inversion
principle, 2006). John used a calculator to hand produce the numbers for his designs with
everything carefully written in columns in his notebooks and with a staggering number of decimal
places. Today people taking John’s work forward would undoubtedly use relevant computer
software and perhaps just two or three decimal places. The added value John gave was certainly
less tangible, with the artistic interpretation of the maths becoming something that was certainly
essential to form a piece of art.
Birmingham exhibition
When Equinox was installed there was also an exhibition of some of John’s models. These were
only going to be on display for a few months, but luckily the exhibition was extended and was still
there to view when we visited in March 2023.
Through his life John’s family had
encouraged him in his work on
inversion principle sculptures.
Though produced as table top
models, John certainly knew there
was the potential to scale up his
designs as larger sculptures. It is
fitting that he was aware this was
going to happen with Equinox
before he died.
Today the John Pickering
Foundation works to create
interest in John’s work, both by
protecting his sculptures and
ensuring they are seen by the public, and with aims to build on John’s ideas, and with it the
possibility of seeing more larger scale works.
Surprise on the way to the top
Why not arrive a little early for your high level meal at Orelle French restaurant. When you have
taken a look at Equinox head to the lifts , then stay awhile. For you will go through the amazing
doors of the former NatWest tower’s main bank entrance doors. These Henry Haig doors are in
great condition and are situated to your left and right as you head to the lift. These are made in
cast aluminium, but Henry also produced art pieces in concrete as well as other materials. He was
also well known for his work in stained-glass ecclesiastical windows.
Now this is Birmingham, and we are a can-do city. So if you want to see the NatWest doors more
than just glimpsing in the windows from the street , just pop into Orelle and speak to the
concierge, who may well let you spend a little time with them.
Brutalist art in other parts of the city
Artistic additions to brutalist concrete art also became a speciality of William Mitchell , who
came out of the Navy and trained at the Southern Art College in Portsmouth. The area of
sculpture that he fell into and hit hard was using concrete designs to add interest to the brutalist
concrete architecture.
Hockley Flyover
The Climbing Frame (1968), under the Hockley Flyover sees three of the four pedestrian entrances
having Mitchell’s public art pieces. In a rather unfashionable part of Birmingham these large scale
installations were made by pouring concrete into wooden shuttering within which artistic moulds
were placed. Once the moulds were removed the work was completed with some sand blasting
and sealing. Considering the graffiti all around Climbing Frame these pieces are in remarkably
good condition and are now afforded a degree of protection as they have been recently Grade II
Look up on Broad Street
Then on to the amazing panels on the first level of the John Madin designed Quayside Tower
office block on Broad Street oppositive the International Convention Centre.
When the author sent a photo of the Broad Street panels to Wiliam Mitchell in 2016 he remarked
that they were in good condition for 1965 examples of his work. He suggested perhaps a light
sand blasting but cheer them up but then went on to say they might be best left alone. He ended
by asking if the office block was going to be knocked down. Birmingham is lucky to have such
work of William Mitchell and it is hoped that those on Quayside Tower will be treated with a little
more respect in the future as the legacy of Mitchell is increasingly important to both preserve and
Jonathan Berg, March 2023
Credits & Further Reading
Thanks to the John Pickering Foundation for permission to take photos of and reproduce here the models currently
being shown at 103 Colmore Row.
John Pickering Foundation website: www.johnpickeringsculptor.com
103 Colmore Row article on Equinox: www.103colmorerow.com/developers-create-lasting-legacy-for-local-artist-at-
Mathematical Form; John Pickering and the architecture of the Inversion Principle. 2006, Architectural Association.
ISBN 1 902902 37 1. [New copies currently (March 2023) available from £10 from internet bookshops]
Kelvin Hamilton and colleagues from the Collaborative Research & Innovation
team at Autodesk, recently enjoyed visiting the John Pickering exhibition at 103
Colmore Row. In particular a work produced in partnership with the Special
Modelling Group of Fosters and Partners caught their eye. See more here…
The Making of Equinox
A 10 minute video which looks at the making of
Equinox. Includes John’s twin brother Arthur and
friend and working associate George L. Legendre.
[Scroll down on landing page to get to video]
Equinox - see bottom of article for link to video
about the making of Equinox in Brierley Hill.
Underneath the Hockley Flyover are three large in scale poured in situ concrete artworks by William Mitchell.
The former National Westminster Bank entrance doors form an amazing walkway to the lift and on up to Orelle restaurant
Quayside Tower on Broad Street sees multiple pieces of public art by William Mitchell dating from 1965. The sooner they are
Grade II listed the better as at present a nightclub does not seem to understand their importance