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This Nelson Street piece is by Aryz.
This is just a taster of an impressive range of art on Nelson
Street. The street art was explained extremely well on the
Blackbeard to Banksy walking tour - and over a 1,000 5*
TripAdvisor reviews are certainly telling it as it is. You can
book the tour on the website here…..
More Street Art on our way to St Nicholas Market
When you move on- if you go in the right direction, you hit
a whole lot more
street art. You also see
plenty of historical
architecture stuff in
between like the Corn
Exchange nails.
Moving on we come to
something pretty
impressive. On the edge of Castle Park is the former
Norwich Union and Bank of England building. Here is a
major work by Hazard One.
Every Women (Hazard One, 2022)
This piece reflects on the statistic that 97% of women say
that they have experienced sexual harassment at some
Vibrant street art and more
The amazing thing about our walking tour was it was not
just about street art. Indeed it offered those who wanted it
a great general introduction to Bristol and it’s history.
However the 28+ people on our walking tour were clearly
all pretty keen to hear about the street art. Our guide had
huge knowledge and spoke with both humour and
authority, that only someone who knew his city, both
ancient and modern could. If you are visiting Bristol then
this tour is certainly well worth doing.
Blackbeard to Banksy walking tour: Details here….
Public art of Bristol blog here……
El Mac from Los Angeles undertook this 2011 piece
from the original ‘See No Evil’ Nelson Street festival and
it is still in great condition.
A two hour walking tour experience
As we run a walking tour business in Birmingham it
was fun to book on a tour of Bristol city centre.
The ‘Blackbeard to Banksy’ Bristol tour starts at
College Green in front of the Cathedral. Our guide was
Luke, and he had his hands full when we arrived with a
full tour and people trying to turn up ‘on the door’. He
was clearly used to all that hit him, and entertained us
while we waited for the last few people to join.
College Green itself has some interesting public art
including stone carvings on ancient doorways and
more recent
additions on the
Council House
completed after the
Second World War.
Soon we were
heading for Banksy’s
Well-Hung Lover
(2006), on the side of the sexual health clinic at the
bottom of Park Street. Luke told us how Banksy had
scaffolding erected to
undertake the piece
Moving on we came to
Spartacus by street
artist JPS. It
remembers the actor Andy Whitfield, who died aged
39 in 2011. This is
located in Frogmore
Street and if you move
the wheelie bins
around a bit you will
find a JPS cat as well.
Colston Plinth
The missing statue of Edward Colston was a time to
reflect on the history of Bristol. A poignant part of the
tour, and handled extremely well by the guide. Visitors
may not appreciate just how much feeling had been
building about the statue over the years, and this was
presented in a way that no matter your political
background you are not going to be affronted. Luke
also brought closure on this part of a tour - sort of
making it clear we were not lingering on the darker
side of Bristol’s past for too long.
Nelson Street Art
The ‘See No Evil’ festival of 2011 was the predessor of
Triangle - Upmarket Street Art
We also saw the
celebration of 650 years
of independence of
Bristol, with shopfronts
around the Triangle and
Queens Road painted in
July 2023.
The artists painted in a
Renaissance style.
Angel Bust – or The Paint-Pot Angel (Banksy, 2009):
Donated to the museum at the end of the 2009
exhibition. Straight in front of you once you enter the
museum and certainly the most photographed exhibit!
Visiting Bristol to explore
public art was made so much
easier by Luke’s ‘Blackbeard to
Banksy ,’ walking tour. Click
the image to book your tickets!
Our experience of the vibrant
Bristol street art scene started on our way down to the
tour from our Clifton hotel. We popped into the Museum
& Art Gallery to see the Banksy artwork which was
donated at the end of the 2009 exhibition, Banksy versus
Bristol Museum.
Street Art of Bristol
By Jonathan Berg
Jonathan experiences a walking tour of Bristol city centre. It
becomes a fantastic voyage of discovery of the public art all
around the city centre.
See No Evil was repainted by Inkie in 2022.
Click for tour details…